Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Weight Watchers week 1

So, week one weigh in was highly successful. I lost 6.4 pounds.  I know not every week will be that way, but I am off to a good start. I tracked everything this week, never used my extra 49 points, and drank my water like a good girl.
I also tried two foods I have never had before.  Edamame roasted in sea salt (4 points for 1/4 cup) really helps satisfy that salty craving.  Mango in vanilla yogurt is a great dessert or snack.  Not canned mango (that was NOT tasty) though.  The frozen ones are good.
We are going out to eat for Easter dinner so I will have to be careful and maybe even use a few of my extra points. 
My goal is to get to the gym at leat three times this week.